By Laws
I. Name: Age-Friendly Communities of the Lower Kennebec (AFCLK) is a regional grassroots volunteer coalition in Maine's mid coast region serving the municipalities of Arrowsic, Bath, Georgetown, Phippsburg, West Bath and Woolwich. We are open to all. The activities of the Age-Friendly Communities of the Lower Kennebec (hereafter referred to as AFCLK) are overseen by its Steering Committee by which these bylaws have been approved. Our work is guided by AARP Maine and its network of Age-Friendly Communities.
II. Vision: In our communities, people of all ages can live safely and comfortably in their homes, get easily to where they want to go, enjoy social connections that nourish their souls, make a contribution to our communities, help others in multiple generations and receive the support they need to thrive. Everyone is respected, everyone is included, everyone belongs.
III. Mission: To help our communities become the best possible home for people of all ages, by ensuring that public spaces, homes, programs, civic events, and social gatherings are set up to meet people’s changing wants and needs across the lifespan.
IV. Steering Committee Membership: Members of the Steering Committee will hereafter be referred to as Members. Members should include residents from the six communities as well as representatives of pertinent agencies or organizations representing social and community services, health care, housing, the faith community, related non-profits, municipal government, and local elected officials. While Members of all ages are welcome, we will strive to ensure that older people are well represented to bring the life experience and knowledge of the challenges and opportunities that are an intrinsic part of being older. Current Members may propose candidates for membership by describing the candidate’s experience, skills, and interests. New Members are confirmed by affirmative vote of the majority of Members present.
V. Officers of the Steering Committee form the Leadership Team:
- Two Co-Chairs or Chair and Vice-Chair represent the organization, prepare meetings, and appoint Committee Members.
- The Treasurer maintains and keeps receipts of all monies in close coordination with the Finance Office of the City of Bath, the fiduciary agent of AFCLK.
- The Secretary maintains a current list of Members, contact lists, keeps minutes, manages correspondence, and assists with publications, grant applications etc.
The Volunteer Coordinator recruits, communicates with, and seeks to retain volunteers associated with AFCLK.
Officers will be nominated and elected for one-year terms by a majority of Members present after a quorum has been achieved. There are no term limits. Elections of Officers will be held once a year in March or April.
Vacancies that occur due to illness, resignation, or other unforeseen circumstances may be filled on an interim basis through consensus by the membership.
VI. Committees: The following are the standing Committees. Ad hoc Committees may be formed or dissolved as needed.
Homes: Encourage options to allow older adults to age safely, warmly, and comfortably where they choose.
Mobility: Increase resources for people to participate in community and social opportunities, attend to personal needs, work, and volunteer. Mobility issues include transportation, standing, walking, balance, exercise, and biking.
Social Connections: Increase the health and well-being of residents by increasing social engagement.
Communications: Provide reliable information that ensures access across the community.
VII. Meetings: Membership meetings will generally be held once per month. Special membership meetings may be called by two Officers if deemed necessary. Meetings and votes can be held in-person, virtually or as a combination of in-person with remote access. Meeting invitations and agenda need to be announced by email at least one week prior to the date of the meeting. Officers meet about once every two weeks, with at least five days prior notification unless all Officers agree about the urgency for a shorter notification.
VIII. Decision Making and Quorum: The goal during all meetings is to reach decisions by consensus. When that is not possible, decisions will be made by a majority vote of the Members or Officers present, if a quorum has been achieved. A quorum is needed for the election of Officers and for votes at any meeting on significant issues as determined by the Officers. A quorum is defined as at least fifty percent of Members present at a meeting, and/or a majority of the Officers at an Officers’ meeting. The quorum is not affected by Members or Officers leaving the meeting early.
IX. Steering Committee Member Roles and Expectations
- Attend and participate in meetings.
- Participate regularly on at least one Committee and/or task force.
- Share best practices and knowledge with other Members.
- Communicate challenges, opportunities, and solutions for improving the region’s age-friendliness.
- Communicate with and seek input from the respective constituency(ies) and/or organization(s) the Member represents.
- Help develop a volunteer base and recruit new Members.
X. Approval and Revision of the Bylaws: Initial approval and amendments of the Bylaws require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Members present, after a quorum has been achieved. Voting is allowed by email or phone, or, in a virtual meeting, by voice/visual means or chat entries. Revision of the Bylaws may be required from time to time.