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Home Energy Assistance Program HEAP
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) provides money to help low-income homeowners and renters pay for heating costs.
LIHEAP Assistance
Midcoast Maine Community Action will be your new LiHEAP (Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program) point-of-contact. To prepare for the next heating season, processing of applications and scheduling appointments will begin in July of 2023.
Phone: 207-442-7963
Email: energy@mmcacorp.org
Bath Housing works to enhance housing stability for seniors, those with disabilities and families in the greater Bath area.
Get Housing Assistance
Phone: (207) 442-7963
Email: mmcainfo@mmcacorp.org
Comfortably Home specializes in one-time, minimally disruptive but high-impact minor home improvements to facilitate ease-of-living as people grow older. This includes safety checks, accessibility modifications and minor home repairs at no cost to eligible homeowners. The team has assisted more than 250 Mid Coast households in making home a safer place to stay. Comfortably Home could make a difference for you or someone you know.
Habitat volunteer teams help existing homeowners decrease energy costs and complete other improvements to make homes more affordable, safer and healthier. Older homeowners or those with disabilities are helped with much needed repairs and modifications to improve mobility and independence. These changes make it possible for our older mid coast residents to continue to live where they want to be, at home.
Most houses and apartments are designed for young, able-bodied adults and don’t meet the needs of older residents or people with disabilities. By 2030, one in five people in the U.S. will be age 65 or over. And it’s projected that by 2034, older adults will outnumber children under 18 for the first time ever. America’s housing stock doesn’t fit a rapidly changing and rapidly aging population.
The 36-page, fully-illustrated guide is about homes not houses. Most of the more than 100 tips and suggestions in this room-by-room guide are doable regardless of housing type (single-family house, apartment, mobile home, etc.) or ownership status (owner, renter).
The guide was created to help people live safely and comfortably by enabling where they live to be a “lifelong home,” suitable for themselves and others in their household, no matter a person’s age or life stage.