Action Plan
2021-2025 Action Plan
Our five-year Action Plan offers a path forward to achieve the group's mission: to help our communities become the best possible home for people of all ages, by ensuring that public spaces, homes, programs, civic events, and social gatherings are set up to meet people’s changing needs and wants across the lifespan.
This plan was built on community listening sessions and stakeholder interviews, by learning from other Age-Friendly communities and AARP’s framework of eight “domains” of work needed for success, and a survey of area residents’ wants and needs, which garnered an incredible 1000 responses and many profound realizations. These include:
48% said they expected they will have to move to another home as they grow older
16% replied “No” to “Is your home warm enough in the winter?”
38% said it’s not easy to find a ride when it’s needed
31% (pre-pandemic) said they see family, friends, or neighbors only once every few weeks, occasionally, or rarely
Analyzing all this information, Age-Friendly Communities of the Lower Kennebec created goals and strategies in four focus areas: Homes, Mobility, Social Connections, and Communications.
Homes. Encourage options to allow older adults to age where they choose safely, warmly, and comfortably.
Mobility. Increase transportation resources for people to participate in community and social opportunities, attend to personal needs, work, and volunteer.
Social Connections. Increase the health and well-being of residents by increasing social engagement.
Communications. Provide reliable information that ensures access across the community.
Together, we believe we can make the communities of Arrowsic, Bath, Georgetown, Phippsburg, West Bath, and Woolwich more livable for a lifetime, and a place where everyone is respected, everyone is included, and everyone belongs.
Age-Friendly Communities of the Lower Kennebec
Arrowsic, Bath, Georgetown, Phippsburg,
West Bath & Woolwich
ACTION PLAN Spring 2021
Everyone is respected.
Everyone is included.
Everyone belongs.
Approved and submitted February 2021. We can be reached at agefriendlylowerkennebec@gmail.com