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This video presentation recorded on Bath TV and the guidebook is part of a campaign to generate awareness on the benefits of Accessory Dwelling Units in Bath.

The project represents a collaboration between

Age-Friendly Communities of the Lower Kennebec, the City of Bath, and Bath Housing. Generous funding from an AARP 2022 Community Challenge Grant supported our work.

Planning for an ADU Video Series

What are ADUs? Ben Averill, Director of Planning, City of Bath explains.

What are other benefits of an ADU? Intergenerational ADU owners Kerry-Ann and Dawson explain how their ADU gave Dawson the opportunity to live on his own.

Phyllis Bailey, Bath City Council, and Keith Spiro, Keith Spiro Media, in a conversation about residents who benefit from ADUs and the task force for the guidebook.

Why build an ADU? ADU owner Aleisha explains the benefits she has experienced.

How can you finance an ADU project? Candice Rinaldi of Bath Savings Institution explains some of the common ways to fund your build. 

Plan to work with a contractor for your ADU build? Candice Rinaldi of Bath Savings Institution returns in this video with some great advice on what to look for when choosing a contracting partner. 

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