VTP Updates
This Volunteer Transportation Program (VTP) is supported by a network of caring people at AARP Maine, the Maine Council on Aging and the Network of Age-Friendly/Lifelong Communities in Maine. The program is only possible, however, with strong commitment of local residents. AFCLK is working to organize volunteers to get the program going in each of the six towns it serves. See below for more information about the status of the VTP in your town.

Arrowsic currently has a program administrator and five fully-vetted drivers for its VTP. Riders and drivers who are interested in signing up for the program may contact us at agefriendlylowerkennebec@gmail.com. Be sure to put VTP for Arrowsic in the subject line.
AFCLK is working with the City of Bath to identify the necessary steps to suppport its residents with such a program. If you wish to learn more about volunteering for the program in Bath, contact us at agefriendlylowerkennebec@gmail.com. Be sure to put VTP for Bath into the subject line of your email. If you need to arrange a ride now, you may contact People Plus.
Georgetown has been running a ride program for several years under the auspices of People Plus in Brunswick. The new VTP with five fully vetted drivers has replaced this service for Georgetown residents. Riders and drivers who wish to sign up may contact us at agefriendlylowerkennebec@gmail.com. Be sure to put VTP for Georgetown in the subject line.
Phippsburg is currently seeking drivers to help them launch the VTP for the town. People interested in volunteering may contact us at agefriendlylowerkennebec@gmail.com. Riders may also apply by clicking here, however rides will not be scheduled until a program administrator and drivers have completed background checks and training. If you need a ride now, you may contact People Plus. Be sure to put VTP for Phippsburg in the subject line.
West Bath
West Bath has not yet begun to work on putting the VTP into place for the town. If you wish to learn more about volunteering for the program in West Bath, contact us at agefriendlylowerkennebec@gmail.com. Be sure to put VTP for West Bath into the subject line of your email. If you need to arrange a ride now, you may contact People Plus.
Volunteers are currently working with town administrators to begin to put the VTP into place in Woolwich. If you are interested in learning more or signing up as a driver, you may contact us at agefriendlylowerkennebec@gmail.com. Be sure to put VTP for Woolwich in the subject line.