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Volunteer Transportation Network ­

A Partnership with People Plus


People Plus in Brunswick has partnered with the Age-Friendly Communities of the Lower Kennebec and the Bath Police Department to expand the Volunteer Transportation Network (VTN) to Bath, West Bath and Woolwich. This program provides free rides to medical appointments; to the pharmacy, grocery shopping and hair appointments; visits to the library, or the food pantry. A typical roundtrip takes about 2 hours.




Assisting the Elder

How does the program operate? Both, riders and drivers, must register and fill out an application. To become a driver, submit proof of auto insurance, a copy of your driver's license, and two references. Background checks will be completed for the safety of drivers and riders. For more information and for riders who wish to sign up call 207-729-0757 or email Once your driver's application has been processed you have access to a website that shows ride requests and allows you to sign up for a ride. The driver then calls the rider to confirm the pickup. The website that matches drivers and riders is very user friendly and makes documentation easy. Rides must be requested at least three business days in advance and can be scheduled for weekdays during normal business hours. Drivers can choose where and when they want to drive based on the requests that come through the on-line ride management system and the program coordinator.





Sponsors of the program include the United Way of Mid Coast Maine, Spectrum Generations, Rusty Lantern Market, and the Suzan Wilson & Daniel McLaughlin family. Special thanks also go to the Bath Police Department for offering to conduct the background checks for new volunteer drivers recruited in our region for free.


How can you help? Volunteer to become a driver serving the need in our communities on the lower Kennebec. If you can’t drive yourself, please spread the word, or consider a donation to underwrite a gas card or other program needs.



Volunteer Transportation Network

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