2 History and Community Profile
3 Process for Developing the Plan
4 Community Assessment, Focus Areas, Goals, Strategies
4.1 Homes​
4.2 Mobility
4.4 Communications
6 Future Processes for Implementation
3 Process for Developing the Plan
The plan outlined in this document is the result of a detailed process that started with the creation of a community wide survey, input from five listening sessions, the collection of responses and data assessment. During a public presentation of survey results at the Patten Free Library in Bath community members contributed their thoughts, concerns and ideas. Based on these findings the AFCLK Steering Committee developed a work plan that provided the basis for this Action Plan.
AARP offers a framework, the eight domains of livability, to age-friendly communities to organize and prioritize their work. In our conversations we realized the interconnections and overlap of domains. Just as an example, the connections between Respect and Social Inclusion, Transportation, and Outdoor Spaces and Buildings, became apparent as survey participants described the difficulty of attending social gatherings when a resident cannot drive or is concerned about access to an event venue due to a chronic illness or disability.
After analyzing the results of the survey, the Steering Committee organized three subcommittees for each of the focus areas: homes, mobility, and social connections. Communications is an overarching task for all three groups but will be a fourth subcommittee in the future. Subcommittees with two to four members met to brainstorm and share ideas on how to mitigate the concerns that were brought to our attention by survey respondents. Action items were developed for each of the focus areas based on feasibility as well as impact. We identified potential community partners, required resources and communication strategies.